Friday, July 16, 2010

The Hide a Key, a Must If Traveling Away From Home

As Summer 2010 is in full swing millions of American's are hitting the road or hopping a flight for a week or two of quality r and r. The hotel and travel reservations are booked, the itinerary has been carefully planned and someone has been assigned the task of watering the garden and feeding the dog while you are away. Everything is set, except one thing... the hide a key.

The excitement and stress of preparing for a much anticipated trip often guarantees at least one item is will be forgotten. A toothbrush, pajamas and if you are relying on someone to take you to and from the airport, your house key's can easily become the victim of an absent mind. As you don't need your keys while away from the house most people won't even give it a second thought. Exhausted and sunburned you return from your trip in the wee hours of the morning, the red eye sounded good at the time you booked the flight, and just as the airport shuttle departs into the darkness you realize you have no way back inside! Maybe you'll be lucky and the house sitter forgot to lock up or maybe you can squeeze through the cat door? Through the uncovered window you can see the comfort of your bed calling you to come inside and go to sleep, it's within your sight but you can't get to it. Meanwhile the cat is crying at the window and your overly tired 5 year old is screaming. If only you had made a spare key and hidden it this won't have happened you think to yourself. Calling the emergency locksmith to come to your rescue you are told that help is 30 to 60 minutes away.

Situations like this happen all the time. With 70,000 flights commercial flights each year, chances are thousands have or will at one time in their lives forget their keys while traveling. Hiding a spare key outdoors if only for the time you are away from home is inexpensive insurance that you will not become locked out of your home. Even if you leave your house key with a neighbor or relative a spare key hidden securely outdoors is essential for those times when Murphy's Law is bound to wreck havoc on your best laid plans.

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