Thursday, March 18, 2010

Holidaying With Twins - And More!

Are you planning a holiday with twins? If you have heard the horror stories from other parents of multiples who have tried to spend time away from home with an active, young family, you know that meticulous planning ahead is required. Traveling with children of any age can be difficult, but there is much more to think about when you are traveling with twins - especially if they are younger!


The physical safety of your children must always come first, but it is something that few parents think much about before booking a rental property or hotel. There is an assumption that any rental property will be safe for every member of the family, but when it comes to smaller children this is very far from the truth.

Unless you are renting property that openly claims to be designed and laid out for the safety of smaller children you have to assume there will be some dangers lurking. It is best just to look for properties which cater to families and children so you know for sure your children will be safe.

On-Site Amusement

While you may enjoy just relaxing in your room, getting a massage on the beach, or reading a book poolside, young children (especially rambunctious twins!) are not likely to tolerate this type of low key relaxation for very long. Children need entertainment and amusement to be happy-go-lucky and full of smiles on a holiday. This means you have to think ahead to how you will keep them entertained at all moments.

If you are staying in a property that caters to families, then chances are there will be some onsite options for amusement of little children. Yet, you should always bring some of your kid's favorite toys along with you so they have something to do while you are in the rental home. If you are worried about paying for extra bags at the airport if you pack toys, consider buying some once you arrive and donating them to a charity before you return home.

Room to Breathe

It can be tempting sometimes to save some money for holiday shopping by getting a smaller property, but when you are traveling with twins it is not the time to skimp on room! You need room to breathe and relax in order to keep your sanity with small children on holiday, but your children need room to breathe as well. If your little ones are accustomed to having their own space to play and sleep in, then your holiday will be much smoother if you find a property that gives them that needed space while away from home.

With small children, the key to a happy vacation is to keep as many similarities as possible between their home environment and their holiday environment. Giving them adequate space to be on their own is part of that.

The only way to really plan a family holiday that will look after the safety of your children while offering appropriate amusements for the entire family and giving everyone adequate room to live happily is to find a travel company that caters to families like yours. These companies are out there and will make the difference between a torturous family vacation that leaves you exhausted and a fun family adventure that you will remember forever.

Wendy Shand is the founder of Tots to Travel which provides options for baby friendly holidays and family breaks in child friendly accommodation across Europe and beyond.

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