Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Steroids - Help Or Harmful?

Steroids are fast catching up with antibiotics as the most abused class of drugs in your doctor's black bag. There is no doubt that the discovery of steroids over 50 years ago was a major advance in medicine, but a lifesaver?

The problem is, like antibiotics steroids appear to be a miracle 'cure'. Patients with crippling arthritis or asthma seem to be instantly better on steroids. The wheezing, the swelling, the pain goes away. Understandably the doctors turn to them fast, often first line of attack.

Antibiotics were once reserved for extreme emergency are now being used on the most trivial of conditions. Steroids are now handed out as readily as antibiotics even to babies, at the first sign of inflammation of any sort.

Steroids make up many over-the-counter skin drugs, and are considered the drug of choice for asthma, arthritis, and back problems, bowel problems and for all inflammations or allergic reactions.

Far from being a wonder drug 'cure all', steroids cannot cure one single condition. All they do is suppress your body's ability to express a normal response. In a few instances, this type of suppression will give the body a chance to heal itself. But more often, the effect is immediate, devastating and permanently damaging. Doctors are more commonly realizing how quickly damaging side effects can occur even after a short period of taking the drug.

Unlike antibiotics, steroids are all broad-spectrum, they don't simply affect the area of the body you wish to treat, but scatter their effects through every cell. This is turn may cause numerous side effects. For 30 years we have known that steroids can routinely cause over activity of adrenal hormones, which produces Cushing's disease, characterized by a fat abdomen and face. They can also cause muscle wasting, hyperglycaemia, water retention, insomnia, mood changes, osteoporosis, diabetes to list a few. Do you still want to use them?

Steroids in Children

For 30 years we've known that prolonged use of steroids for asthma and eczema retards growth in children and delays puberty. Studies have shown children even suffering from chronic arthritis, stunted growth and adrenal suppression.

Steroids may also affect a child's cognitive performance. Cataracts and glaucoma has been associated with oral steroids.

Bone density has been found to be lower with children the longer they stay on steroids. Even inhaled drugs for such as asthma are found to have adverse effects on bone metabolism and adrenal function. Steroids can cause the break down of bone joints, resulting with joint replacements.

Despite these dramatic effects on such crippling conditions, new research shows that some of these anti-inflammatory effects appear to wear off in time, leaving suffers worse off than before.

Highlighting a few effects steroids can cause, can possibly give readers an opportunity to think before they make the quick decision to pop to the doctors for a quick fix cure, as it can sometimes be more harmful than a cure?

Lucy Bridges Level 2 Coach at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios

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