Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Travel Hints and Tips For the International Traveller

Traveling the world is one of the greatest experiences life has to offer. Here you will find some useful hints and tips that will assist in making your experience even better. Whether you are traveling on a budget or just searching for some new ideas, there maybe something here that is of interest to you. If any of the information I provide here results in you having a more enjoyable, fun and hassle free holiday, then my work is done.

You may think that some of the hints and tips provided here are very basic and just common sense, but you will be surprised how many people you come across on your travels that have not even thought of the basics. They spend the majority of there trip still attempting to organise their trip rather then enjoying it.

1. Book your flight! Just do it. Don't wait and spend weeks or months shopping around, just book. Once you have booked you can start saying that you are going rather then you are thinking about going.

2. Research your destination. Know where it is that you want to go and learn about the destination. The more you know about the history, the people, the culture, even if it is just a little bit, the more you will enjoy it.

3. Get travel insurance!!! I can't emphasise enough how important travel insurance is. Not only will it cover your belongings from theft, loss or damage, but you will be covered in the unfortunate event that you become ill or injured. Having travel insurance could be the difference between a great holiday and one that is a disaster.

4. Make copies of all you important documents. Make a copy of your passport, visas, tickets, etc, and leave them at home with someone. If the originals are lost or stolen you have copies and the information available.

5. Learn the language. If possible learn the language of the foreign destination you are travelling to. Even if it is just a few words or having a phrase book with you, attempting to communicate with locals in their own language has many benefits and opens up many doors. It might be something as simple as a complimentary coffee or desert with your meal, or as magnificent as an invitation to dinner, a party, or to utilise some spare accommodation they may have available.

6. Get a guide book. There are many good guide books available. Get the one that best suits the type of holiday you are planning. Some are designed more for the budget traveller then others. The right guide book may even assist covering you for points 2 and 5 above.

7. Security of your belongings.Always ensure you valuables are either on you or locked away. For those of you fortunate enough to stay in hotels, many hotels usually have a small safe in the room that you can lock away items you don't wish to carry on you all day or night. For the budget traveller staying in hostels, get a good set of padlocks for you backpack or case. You will be in shared accommodation and even the friendliest of room mates may not be able to resist what you leave laying around. Take spare padlocks with you. Some hostels have lockers you are able to make use of for your belongings. If you don't have your own padlock you will have to buy or rent one from them.

8. Explore your city or town. Don't just spend your entire time eating in the one restaurant or cafe or drinking at the same bar. Explore the city, see the sights, find out what the town is famous for and go experience it. Talk to the locals and find out where the good places to eat and drink are. Locals will be able to point you to great local cuisine. Venture off the tourist path and discover your destination. And on food, don't be afraid to try the local delicacies that you would normally not think of as food. For example, when in Thailand don't be afraid to try the bugs and scorpions available from the street vendor. Don't be one of those tourists that searchers for a McDonalds every day. You can eat that at home!

9. Local transport is cheaper! If you are on a budget get the local transport. It may take a bit longer to get to your destination as the local train will stop at all stations, but it can save you a load of money if you have plenty of time on your hands.

10. Overnight transport. Getting the overnight train or bus from one location to your next saves you having to pay for a night of accommodation. The train or bus is your accommodation, and when you wake up you are at your destination. This is definitely the preferred option for the budget traveller.

And Most Importantly - HAVE FUN! Go and have the time of your life. Go book your trip and enjoy.

If you would like to discover some more helpful travel hints and tips, including how to get free food, visit me at http://www.travel-breez.com

Author, Logan Bishop, is an Australian who has been backpacking and living around the world for the past 12 years. Visit his website http://www.travel.breez.com for all your travel needs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things to Look For Before You Book Your Vacation Rental

Going on vacation is a way for most people to relax and unwind from the everyday stress that they may experience in their working and home life. During the summer months, tourists head out to the beaches to frolic or lounge along the sand and sea in condos or rental houses, or head off to skiing in the wintertime. Unfortunately though, planning for a vacation can sometimes lead to even more stress and worry. Because of the increase in tourists in popular tourist spots every year, it has become harder and harder to find convenient places to rent to enjoy one's vacation. By following the top five tips for vacation rentals below, there will be undoubtedly lesser problems for you to handle.

Firstly, it is always important to plan ahead. While many of the popular months where people choose to go on vacation falls under the summertime, it becomes very unlikely that the condo or villa you plan on renting a few weeks or even a month before actually going will still be available by then. Many rentals are being snapped up even as early as a year in advance, so it would be wise to start planning for these vacations as early as you possibly can. Reserve and book your condo months in advance, or if the places you want have already been snapped up, try to make contingency plans and be open to other areas and places that you might like to visit instead. This will decrease the amount of worrying you will need to do as your planned vacation draws near.

Secondly, rental agents are not always necessary when looking for a potential vacation rental. By searching advertisements and online websites, you will be able to personally contact the owner of the rental you have in mind, and can save up on money by forgoing agents. Since most rental owners are easily available via email, you won't even need to pay for additional costs other than the rent price.

Another thing to take into consideration is the rental itself. Condos and villas are numerous in many popular tourist areas, but do they have all the facilities that you are looking for? If you would like the condo you plan on renting to have the same modern comfort that you enjoy at home, such as appliances, air-conditioning or electricity, then always keep these in mind when scouting around for potential rentals, and ensure that these things are actually available before making the final purchase. If you would like to forgo these luxuries to save up on money, then always browse around to get the cheapest rates you can find, but still with good quality. This brings us to the next point to consider

Always check the pricing to see if you are getting what you paid for. During the off-peak season, most condo and villa rentals tend to offer a much lower price than they do during the peak seasons, so it might also be a good idea to plan your vacation during the months where there will not be as much tourists.

Finally, always take the time to read the fine print before signing to rent a condo or villa. The policies and terms of agreement may vary depending on the rental owner's preferences, so it is always safer to know more about the place, along with any obligations that are expected of you, in order to ensure that you are not being swindled. Always know the name of the person who actually owns the place, and make sure that any payments you write out should always be addressed to him. Additionally, always work out payments with the owner and have him agree to the plan before committing to it yourself!

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