Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Gains From Funny Travelling

In the old days, anyone who embarks on a journey is sure to get a dose of stories to get by. One always looks forward to traveling because of the stories and also because traveling sometimes makes people experience the things that they never imagined nor expected. Sadly, traveling these days is just stress and silence. Stress from travelling makes people weary, impatient and even forgetful of the concept of fun. Experiences that are enjoyable like funny travel slowly become taboos that no traveler can ever experience. Before this nightmare has become reality, we should examine our attitude towards traveling. It is an activity that is made and practiced supposedly for fun. Being well travelled used to be a good connotation of fun and enjoyment. If only people know the benefits of being happy and joyful towards everything that we do, then maybe there will be no boring and dull moments in life.

If people are having fun, there would be the sound of laughter all around. Laughter is a full expression of happiness and fun. But laughter is not simply a sound that happy people make; it has a far greater benefit on the people's well being. In traveling, the usual reasons for having a laugh are some old and memorable travel jokes. As studies show, these jokes are more than just silliness. It can make the travelers' minds clear and give us a feeling of well being. A good laugh can make distressing emotions dissolve. There is no room for sadness, anxiety and madness when people are laughing. Laughter is also a strong mood motivator and body energy enhancer. Travelers who had funny travel stories made fun out of the ordinary things around them for inspiration and motivation. The laughs can make the whole travel less stressful and consuming. People are more energized and diligent after laughing. This gives happy travelers a plus point in terms of productivity and focus. Laughter can also make peoples' perspectives shift from a pessimistic view of the world to a light hearted and optimistic view. Travelers will see less threatening things and see more of the lessons that traveling teaches.

A humorous travel is less likely to end up burdened with too many problems. Humor makes problem solving easier and faster. Those who incorporate humor in looking at problems make the people more creative in finding solutions. In a trip, the traveler who has a sense of humor can make even the most unbearable situations light. Humor widens one's horizons as well as increases people's ability to solve problems. It opens venues for more creativity and fun in solving the problem.

There are no absolute lists of funny travel tips. There is no telling what adventure the next wrong turn would bring. There will be no despair in travelling if the travelers recognize the opportunities that is brought by the mishaps that are happening. Through many funny travel stories, people would eventually realize that fun is a vital factor of a good and worthwhile travel.

Drew Mohebbi gives you the best tips on how to make your travel fun and memorable, if you want to know more about travel jokes and fun log on to

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Enjoying the Road - RV Memory Foam Mattresses

Everybody loves to take a vacation. Who doesn't? The chance to get out there and see what the world has to offer tugs at everyone's heart. The only question that you have to ask yourself when you go is how to make the trip the most enjoyable that you can.

Now, there are people out there that really love camping the old school way, with tents and sleeping bags (or less). If that floats your boat, more power to you. I've got plenty of friends that absolutely love camping like that and wouldn't do it any other way. Myself, I'm more of a camp-in-comfort person. I love getting away from the normal, day-to-day stresses and relaxing, but I don't like leaving behind all modern conveniences to do so. What's the point of having them if you can't enjoy them more than usual while on vacation?

Running around the country in a R.V. is fun. You get all the benefits and privacy of being home and don't have to pay a dime for overpriced hotels or seedy motels that haven't updated in decades. But what's the point of getting a R.V. if you can't even sleep in comfort? Let's face it, space in a R.V. is at a premium. You have make the most of what you have while using the least amount possible. So if you were going to go on cross country trip (or even just a quick jaunt a couple hours away), I'd recommend looking into R.V. memory foam mattresses.

R.V. memory foam mattresses are simply your standard memory foam mattress cut down to accommodate the space available in a R.V. Nothing more or less complicated than that. Granted, they are pricier than than a standard mattress, but if you're going to be on the road, you might as well follow the R.V. philosophy: make the most of what you have while using the least amount possible.

You always have to think strategically when you're outfitting your R.V. for a good haul. Factors such as the number of people going, whether it's just you and your spouse or the whole family, how long you're planning on being on the road for, how much you want to eat out or eat in, and even how much time you plan on being in the R.V. itself all have to be considered. When you're aiming to camp in comfort (or just travel in comfort for that matter), you need to have things planned out. Doing things on the fly may sound fun and spontaneous, but my experience has always been that they wind up costing more money and taking up more of your time than they would otherwise.

The last factor to keep in mind in any vacation or trip is how to make it as least stressful as possible. Myself, I've always found that getting enough rest has been essential to doing so. R.V. memory foam mattresses have always served me well and given me the comfort and rest that I've needed to actually enjoy my vacations and keep them from turning into a nightmare.

Michael Russell is a retailer specializing in luxury pillows and other ways to making sleep a dream at Sweet Dream Sleep. If you're interested in improving your night's rest, check out his web site at