Monday, July 27, 2009

5 Ways to Keep Out of Trouble When Traveling Abroad

When you are traveling in another country it can be real easy to get yourself into trouble. When you don't know the language and don't understand the laws, you can get into some pretty unpleasant situations. If you remember these tips and pay attention to our recommendations you can save yourself a lot of headaches.
  1. Make sure you have a signed and valid passport in you possession at all times. Most countries will require that you carry an identification card or passport with you. A bank card or voter registration card won't make it and your driver license is not going to be satisfactory in most countries. Be sure your passport is current and signed and is still going to be valid for six months after you return home.
  2. Be sure to check with the Department of State for any adverse conditions that may exist in the country you will be visiting. If any travel advisories have been issued for the place you are visiting they can be found at passport agencies, US embassies and consulates, and through most airline offices.
  3. Be sure to check up on the laws of the country you will be visiting. US laws don't apply in most foreign countries and sometimes the customs in your destination country may be very restrictive. This is one place where the services of a competent travel agent may come in very handy. They can inform you of any unusual laws that you should be aware of in the country where you are vacationing.
  4. If you plan to stay longer than 2 weeks in a foreign country be sure to register with the US consulate. They can help if someone back home needs to get in touch with you and they can also be helpful if you don't show up when the time comes for you to return home.
  5. It will always be to your advantage if you can blend into a crowd rather than stand out like a beacon. There will always be someone looking for that special target that could provide an easy mark for a robbery or even an assault. If you find it is essential to be the so called "American Tourist" and stand out from the others then try not to carry a bunch of cash or jewelry with you. That will make you an easy target for a pickpocket and they can be found in any large city and in any country.

Traveling abroad is a normally a wonderful experience and with just a few precautions that experience will be one that is cherished for years to come. It will always be to your advantage to be less noticeable and a little reserved. With reservation will come more respect and enjoyment of your travel experience.

Jere Moline is a travel writer and has enjoyed the cultures of many countries throughout the world. For up to date advice about travleing abroad be sure to stop by our web site at

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Great Benefits and Experiences For Travel Nursing

Every person wants to travel to different places to enjoy meeting other people in different nationalities and looking for wonderful views and tourist spots in a country or state. But travelling alone is not possible for all because one needs to work first to gain income and savings which will be used for travelling. There is a field in nursing industry where you can both work to have income and at the same time enjoy the travelling to different places.

Travel nursing is another field in nursing where it is becoming in demand because of the opportunity of nurses to travel. Because of the shortage problems in nurses both in Canada and United States, they can solve it through sending more nurses to places where there is a need especially in hospitals that seriously need the services of more nurses.

The nursing industry gives both the hospitals and nurses lot of benefits. The nurses can look and choose the best company that would provide them the right salary and other medical allowances together with the benefits that the company offered. All the expenses like the expenses for the travel back and forth are being covered by the company. Allotted allowances will be given for meals, lodging and rental of boarding houses. The salaries are based on the working experiences of the nurse in the field of health care and any other medical field and usually being paid of by hour. Travelling nurses are being paid higher and about twenty percent (20%) more as compared to nurses that serve as staffs in the same hospitals.

The hospitals also benefits from having travelling nurses because they are experiencing the shortage of manpower in their medical fields. The hired travelling nurses are used to fill in the needed services in some fields where nurses are lacking of. With the benefits the hospital gained from hiring travel nurses, the process for searching the right nurses are also hard for them.

Travel nurses are widely in demand to hospitals in some places but some hospital doctors are complaining for their performances. They have some skills that a nurse must have but lack on the familiarities on the facilities in the hospitals and the treasured culture of the citizens.

Travel Nursing as the Best Field or the Worst Career for Nurses?

Travel nursing is a very popular profession for nurses because it can also easily attract both the fresh graduates and the long time nurses in entering this career. Better benefits are offered to this profession and they are oftentimes given higher salary rate and the most is for letting them to travel without worrying the cost and even enjoying the new places while they are working. With all these benefits that the travel nurses receive, some nurses describe this a the worst profession or field for them.

Travel nurses are sometimes believed to be similar to a truck driver because they may both see new and wonderful places as they travel but they are unable to experience the things that they really wanted to do. They cannot spend the whole day in beaches and make fun because their job is calling them. You cannot prolong your stay in a place or you cannot go to other places where you wanted most.

Positive and even negative points are expected in any career or profession. This is also observed in travel nursing wherein there are also some negative points that usually the reason why there are many nurses that do not pursue this profession. In this career, most of your time and service are badly needed by the hospitals. Sometimes, viewing of wonderful sight is only experienced when you need to move to another place where travel time is very limited.

The main purpose of the travelling nurses is not for making fun and enjoying travel but mainly for helping people who mostly need them and assisting doctors and co-nurse professionals for treating the patients. Travel nurses are the sole responsible to their patients during travelling to places that sometimes are long and very difficult journeys. The families of the patients trusted you for taking care and always looking after to their sick family member. They also have reasons why they need their family member who is ill to travel to some places like looking for the best facility for treatment.

The Great Benefits and Experiences for Travel Nursing

Travelling nurses gives you the benefit to travel especially if you really love to go to other places and also the salaries that they will pay you are higher than the usual nurse in hospitals. This is the reason why many nurses are searching for companies that offers this kind of profession.

The benefits that listed below makes travel nursing very popular to nurses.

• Travel nurses will be given free boarding and sometimes in luxurious houses.

• Health insurances are also given to travel nurses and it is for free.

• Higher salaries and more benefits they will receive upon pursuing this profession.

• Working in some hospitals and sometimes you can be assigned in the finest hospitals in the nation

• Learning more to new techniques and keeping up to date to the latest apparatuses and trends in nursing

Requirements are also needed to acquire for a travel nursing. Work experience of at least a year to the field that you will do while travelling is one of the requirements that is needed. You must adapt easily or flexible enough for some drastic changes of places that you will be travelling because some places are implementing different policies and they have their own procedures. Since orientations are very limited, you make sure that you hit the ground running.

Most of the travelling nurses often feel that these benefits are more than the negative points that they have encountered and will encounter for travelling. Just be flexible and always be prepared and you will experience both incredible and wonderful good experiences that you must achieve as a travel nurse.

For More Information See: How to How to start a nursing agency, visit

Friday, July 3, 2009

Stockpiling Wealth and Health

You will often read discussions on this website about stockpiling wealth and stockpiling health. Let's talk about what that means and why we want to do that. The number one reason I publish my website and live by the principles I discuss is quality of life. Not just safeguarding my quality of life but regularly improving it is very important to me. If you are interested in why just visit my website.

In my opinion your overall health and your overall economic situation determine the lion's share of your quality of life. Quality of life means enjoying life. You and your family are happy, your material needs are met, you don't suffer from constant health distress, and you are in a position to regularly improve your lifestyle. If you aren't sure you're moving in the right direction think about yourself and the family members you are responsible for and ask "Do we currently have fewer health problems, less stress, more options in dealing with challenges, and a more affluent lifestyle than we did 5 years ago?"

Ensuring that you are living a better overall lifestyle 5 years from now actually starts right now with positive healthy behaviors and effective economic decision making. When you make these behaviors part of your current lifestyle you will see small positive changes fairly quickly. Over time you will see dramatic, life-enriching changes for you and your family. Certainly you will agree that the problems and challenges you could face due to poor health or a poor economic situation will result in a less than optimal quality of life for you and your family. So let's review 10 ways to measurably improve your lifestyle just a few years from now. In each category I have listed one of my favorite examples.


There are so many reasons why water should be the cornerstone of your healthy lifestyle. An important reason for me is that a lack of water is the number one reason for daytime fatigue. The reason is that you are dehydrated. So many people don't recognize dehydration. They gauge it by thirst. You don't have to be thirsty to be dehydrated. If you are tired or sluggish there is a good chance you are not getting enough water and you are not working toward your goals at 100%.

Expense prevention and management

So many times I have seen people get in financial trouble because they didn't prepare for problems. Think about it - things such as home repair, health care, and car repair can end up being huge bills if little problems are left unattended. I have a story on my website about a time I was too lazy to blow the leaves out of my gutters. For years all the tree debris built up until eventually the damage from backed up rain water cost me several thousand dollars. Ben Franklin said it best = an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Spend a little bit of money and effort now to avoid potential financial disaster in the future.

Healthy food choices

Whole grains provide stable energy and act like little scrub brushes cleaning your arteries. The cleaner those arteries are the more fresh blood is flowing through your body providing energy creating nutrients and flushing away energy robbing waste materials. Energy equals effective work. Work equals positive results.

Start with a clean slate - don't owe anyone anything

Think about a day at work or around the house when you were on your feet all day long. At the end of the day you get to sit down and the sensation of "taking a load off your feet" feels great. You will experience the same feeling when you pay off your debt and start over with a clean slate. Not owing anyone any money is a terrific feeling and jump starts your efforts in living a financially sound lifestyle.


Exercise doesn't necessarily have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Moving your body makes your blood pump harder and pushes fresh oxygen through your body to your cells. That feeds your cells and will produce more energy for you throughout the day.

Be ready to take advantage of opportunities

Just like problems opportunities are sure to come your way. The thing with both problems and opportunities is that just like your mother in law neither give you much of an advanced notice of when they are going to arrive at your doorstep! Your best plan of action is to budget for opportunities. I will give you an example. I know that I will eventually need to put new tires on my car. I don't have to buy them today but I put money aside every 2 weeks in my "tire fund". I have a general idea of when I will need to buy new tires but because I have been putting money aside in advance I am ready to take advantage of any great deals on tires that come my way. The last time I bought tires I was in a position to wait for the best deal and ended up paying $90 less then the best estimate I had received only 2 weeks earlier.


Your environment can have either positive or negative affects in either the short term or long term on your physical or mental health. Your environment can affect your mood. As much as you can you should make your environment conform to your desires. That gives you a motivating mental boost that give you more energy throughout the day. Energy equals effective work. Work equals positive results.

Buy assets not liabilities

How can you tell the difference between an asset and a liability? Assets are generally boring. Liabilities are generally fun. Assets are things you buy that 1) fill a need and then 2) produce additional money in your budget through income or expense savings. The purchase of high efficiency light bulbs is an asset because they solve your need for light and produce cost savings over traditional lighting. Those savings are the "found money" that allow us to buy liabilities. Liabilities produce no income and are usually just a cost. An extra night at the beach produces no income and will cost more money therefore it is a liability.


Often times we do not get the optimum amount of nutrients either because there is not enough healthy variety in our diet or the foods we eat are too processed. Supplements make up for deficiencies in your diet. Whether you get your nutrition from supplements or completely through diet remember that vitamins allow your body to heal and work more effectively.


There is a fairly easy rule to remember when it comes to interest - earn it don't pay it. Arrange your budget and your financial plan so that you are buying things that pay interest and budgeting enough cash to pay for things outright and not on credit. One thing to remember is to keep your credit rating high and squeaky clean so that if you do need to pay interest you are in a position to demand a better rate.

For more ways to enjoy a better quality of life visit

Mike Bowman